Down Sendromu Dernegi

Down Syndrome Association for independent individuals with Down syndrome provides integrated with them to build a productive life and society; improves the perception of the disability community and it is a non-governmental organization that produces internationally in research related to Down syndrome to follow our leadership engaged in efforts to ensure the implementation and development projects in Turkey.

Dissemination about importance of the early intervention for babies, young and adults with Down Syndrome.    

Partner in various projects in the field of individuals with Down Syndrome such as families, youth, baby.

Research, clinical work and training in the field of Down Syndrome.

Self-representation as parents of chidlkren with Down syndrom to ensure euqal opportunities for children with disability.

Introduction of new tools of support (e.g. ICT).


Fulya Ekmen

is a legal expert and project manager in the field of Person with Disability in Turkey and was already involved in previous Erasmus+ projects (

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