Unterstützungsverein Schulpsychologie Steiermark

The “Unterstützungsverein Schulpsychologie Steiermark” represents a NGO, which  aims to support all educational psychologists in Styria. The Unterstützungsverein Schulpsychologie Steiermark represents therefore the legal basis for special projects concerning the broad field of school-psychology; The association also provides support for psychologists cooperating with federal school-psychologists employed by „Landesschulrat für Steiernmark“.

The 50 members consist mainly of school psychologists supporting students/pupils/teachers and parents within the school administration of Styria. Cooperation with other “Bundesländer” and with federal institutions (BMBWF, Ministerialrat Dr. Gerhard Krötzl) exist in order to guarantee synergy effects of operative processes (training, round tables, expert exchange…).

Recent projects – supporting the strategic goals of Landesschulrat für Steiermark - focused on Health promotion at schools“ 2005 – 2010. This project was financed by Fonds Gesundes Österreich and the government of Styria. Further projects focused on reading and writing support for children with difficulties, driven by „EASI-Institut“, financed by government of Styria.

Dr. Josef Zollneritsch: 

Abteilungsleitung Landesreferent für Schulpsychologie-Bildungsberatung. Head of Department for School Psychology, Teacher at University Graz. Coordination and monitorign of all school-realöated psychologicval services in Styria. 25 years experience in cooperation and expertise concerning pupils with learning difficulties in Styria.


Gregor Hirschberger, BEd

Projektmanagement,Schulinfostelle. Ressponible for projects related to school psychologiy (e.g. Fonds Gesundes Österreich" or proejct related to Lese/Rechtschreibschwäche in Styria.

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