Unterstützungsverein Schulpsychologie Steiermark
The “Unterstützungsverein Schulpsychologie Steiermark” represents an NGO, which aims to support all educational psychologists in Styria. The Unterstützungsverein Schulpsychologie Steiermark represents therefore the legal basis for special projects concerning the broad field of school-psychology. The association also provides support for psychologists cooperating with federal school-psychologists employed by “Bildungsdirektion für Steiernmark“.
The members consist mainly of school psychologists supporting students/pupils/teachers and parents within the school administration of Styria. Cooperations with other provinces and with federal institutions (BMBWF) exist in order to guarantee synergy effects of operative processes (training, round tables, expert exchange…).
Recent projects – supporting the strategic goals of “Bildungsdirektion für Steiermark” - focused on “Health promotion at schools“ 2005 – 2010. This project was financed by “Fonds Gesundes Österreich” and the government of Styria. Further projects focused on reading and writing support for children with difficulties were driven by “EASI-Institut” and financed by the government of Styria.
Hofrat Prof. Dr. Josef Zollneritsch:
Coordination and monitoring of all school-related psychological services in Styria. 25 years of experience in cooperation and expertise concerning pupils with learning difficulties in Styria.
- Founder and CEO of the “Unterstützungsverein Schulpsychologie Steiermark“
- Founder and deputy scientific head of the Austrian Acadamy of Schoolpsychology
- Head of Department for School Psychology & School Medical Service at the “Bildungsdirektion für Steiermark”
- Clinical and Health Psychologist
- Lecturer at the University of Teacher Education Styria
- Professor at the Karl Franzens University Graz
- Author
- General sworn and judicial certified expert for
– General Psychology
– Clinical Psychology
– Courses of all kinds
– Schools
– Family Psychology
(inkl. custody, visitation rights, home care, child welfare, abuse, development)
Lisa Kaiser, MSc, BSc, Bakk.phil.
After studying psychology and pedagogy at the Karl Franzens-University in Graz, as well as postgraduate training as a clinical and health psychologist, sex pedagogue and gender and diversity training, my current focus is on various further training courses in the field of child, adolescent and family psychology, as well as the completion of the psychotherapeutic propaedeutic. My professional experience includes support in children's and youth care groups, employment support for adults, integrative additional care for children with special needs in kindergarten, social pedagogical support of children and adolescents, as well as clinical psychological diagnostics, counselling and treatment of children, adolescents and families, among others, in close cooperation with youth wellfare offices. Psychological counselling and support for schools as an ÖZPGS school psychologist.
Mag. Isolde Patterer
I studied psychology at the Karl Franzens-University in Graz and worked a few years as a work and organinzational psychologist. After my two kids were born I came back to business doing an education in systemical coaching. I was working as a trainer and coach in working situations. After further education in emergency-psychology I switched to the Mobile Intercultural Team where I help children and teens and their families to get integrated in school life. Since December 2018 I am in postgraduate education for clinical psychology.