PILOT Run O1 Training Materials Hamburg

In February 2019 a Pilot run with our O1 training materials has been performed in Hamburg.


Participants reported:

-interesting but challengeing Seminar. Practical examples were very useful

-interesting, as I can understand now, what ICF is about

-semoinar full of information. Now I know what ICF is about

-now I understand how to use ICF

-a lot of knowledge was presented, I would have wished all slides were in German

-full of structured Information. Trainers were intereseted that the participants could UNDERSTAND ICF

-useful seminar to understand ICF

-useful seminar for my later proessional actiities. Now I understand how and why to use it

-Information and knowledge about ICF related contents

-interesting and useful for my future Job. Contents were presented in a clear and understandable way

-a lot of Information but also an effort