Kick-off events for the opening of the Research Center for Inclusive Education
The Research Center for Inclusive Education is a cooperation project between the University of Graz, the University College of Teacher Education Styria and the Private University College of Teacher Education, Graz and bundles the research expertise on inclusive education of the three institutions.
As part of the opening of the Research Center for Inclusive Education, there was a "Week of Inclusion" with various interesting kick-off events from 9th to 13th November 2020. Online presentations of current research on inclusive education took place on Monday 09.11 and on Tuesday 10.11.2020 from 17:00 to 18:30. More than 150 participants from different institutions in Austria and abroad took part in the various kick-off events.
Silvia Kopp-Sixt and Katerina Todorova presented the project "A common inclusive language: ICF @ School". The philosophy of the ICF, the policies to support the ICF from a comparative international perspective to promote inclusive education and the research carried out in the project were presented.