O1 Briefing Package ICF in School

O1 represents a curriculum and adapted training materials for professionals in schools, which enables the use of ICF as a common language for description and assessment for the situation of pupils with developmental difficulties (in association with his/her environment).

Previous EU curricula and training materials (see www.icfcy-meduse.eu) focused on preschool and clinical settings (social paediatric care). These 4 modules (philosophy, coding, exercises and practical EU applications) will be adapted towards the school setting:

This sector transfer represents to a high amount an innovative character, as specific applications (e.g. the Phoenix Lernbegleiter, the SAV and SSG from CH) will be included into the existing training materials. School staff also has the possibility to learn from the experience of others (p2p-learning), as they will be enabled to use the ICF-learning tool developed within www.ICF-training.eu. This tool enables professionals to learn from each other by following ´/ studying (anonymized) ICF-based real cases.

The briefing packages are supported by video examples to enable practical transfer of the 4 modules.

A specific focus is given to the match between ICF-items and items of the curricula (e.g. ASO-Lehrplan, S-Lehrplan), as this issue is not yet addressed within existing training programs. The DE "Lernbegleiter" from partner Phoenix (providing a clear association between ICF items and headings of national curricula ) is used as a best practice example in this context.




Based on a learning outcome oriented model the curriculum "ICF in School" describes necessary knowledge, skills and wider competence for professionals in school to use ICF as a common language for students with developmental difficulties.


Module 1 Philosophy of ICF

Professionals in School understand ICF as a part of family of WHO classifications and as a common language in the „team around the family“. Based on a bio-psycho-social model professionals learn that disability is seen as a significant interaction between a person with a health concern and his/her environment. 




Module 2 Structure of ICF

Professionals in school know about the structure of ICF. They are able to link observations with ICF-health components. Professionals are able, to “translate” school related issues referring to children with developmental difficulties into a common language and therefore create a common base of exchange with medical doctors, social workers, therapists etc.


Module 3 Coding and Qualifying

Professionals in school are able to assess the severity of a problem using WHO qualifiers. They can assess restrictions concerning participation in school and know assessment indicators and limits.


Module 4 Concrete examples and excercises

Professionals know concrete practical examples how ICF is used within the school-setting in selected countries.


Video 1 (10 year old boy. diagnoses: G81, F72, G40)

Video 1 invites, to reflect the significant association between a person and his/her environment


Video 2 (13 year old girl; diagnoses: Q87, G81, F72)

Video 2 invites to think in categories of the 5 health components of ICF.


Video 3 (3 year old boy, diagnosis: Q 90)

Video 3 invites to reflect the importance of “participation goals”. Professionals are invited to develop participation goals based on this video.


Video 4 (2,5 year old boy, diagnosis: Q90)

Beside child related participation goals video 4 invites to reflect the attitude of the female attachment person in this video, including possible goals for her.