O4 ICF Test Translator  (ICF-TT)


O4 represents an adapted dissemination product of the so-called "ICF practice translator", an online tool which allows the IT-based connection between (anonymized) child-related observations towards ICF-items by an expert system-like self-learning web database. 

The ICF practice translator is built for “translation” of observation based problem (and resource) description in free text form into ICF-based systematic and comparable description. Practical use has shown that there is an important issue not addressed so far: The connection between psychological tests- and ICF, in other words the “translation” of psychological test data into ICF-codes  Because of this missing connection the use of ICF within the psychological field is up to now limited.

This means there is (for school psychologists and others) a highly relevant need for a tool providing algorithms and methodology, which enable the transfer of their test data (e.g. IQ-values, T-values in reading/writing tests) into ICF-codes and WHO qualifiers.

This highly innovative aspects and transfer-effects, that have not been addressed so far, is exactly, what the ICF Test Translator shall facilitate and it will accomplish this in the following ways:

  1. Criteria Mapping Translation
    The ICF-TT shall be able to map selected (predefined) tests.to (one or more) ICF-codes related to the criteria measured by the specific test. For selected psychological tests these correlations / online connections will be available (based on scientifically available data) in form of ICF code suggestions.
  2. Rating Mapping Translation
    The ICF-TT shall be able to map the psychometric properties and rating-scales of selected tests (e.g. IQ-scale, T-value...) to the WHO-qualifier rating scale. This will enable a match between psychological ratings (e.g. IQ = 70) into WHO-qualifier =.2. With this mapping tool school psychologists will therefore be able to transform their "classical test-data" into ICF qualifiers.

  3. Interactive Mapping Editor
    The list of tests taken into account and their corresponding data, the so-called “test translation maps” shall per design be expandable and open. By this, emerging test methods not initially accounted may as well be considered and added as can be specific tests of smaller prominence.
    For example, this can enable school psychologists and psychologists in general to connect their specific test-data like bio-medical data (APGAR, length, weight...) with ICF.
  1. Integration and User Interface Adaptation
    Apart from the extended and newly built functionality of the ICF-TT, this integration requires a massive technical and graphical redesign of the overall tool including the “legacy” parts of the ICF practice translator, moving from feature rich desktop application, the new ICF-TT will follow design patterns and trends like responsive design, mobile first strategy, and a “simple and intuitive” approach, reducing user interface elements to the minimum wherever possible.


ICF Test Translator - O4-Online Tool

Please find the O4-Online-Tool under o4.icf-school.eu .

This online tool is primarily intended for usage by school professionals and school psychologists. .

This tool enables the 'translation' of results of psychological standard tests' into ICF COdes and qualifiers. .

With this online tool the situation and useful measures concnering a child can be described and documented using ICF..

The online tool is freee to use for EVERYONE. (Registration necessary!)