ERC ECER Hamburg 2019:
Katerina Todorova, MSc won a Bursary for her application for the Emerging Reseacher's Conference taking place at the ECER in Hamburg, 2. - 3.9.2019, EERA
Following the Call for papers and focusing on the congress topic 'Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future' Katerina Todorova, MSc & Silvia Kopp-Sixt, applied for the presentation of the paper "A common inclusive language - Indispensable Resource for Participation in a School for All" together with Melek Er-Sabuncuoğlu, PhD and Prof. Dr. Manfred Pretis.
We are very proud to congratulate Katerina Todorova, MSc for winning a Bursary of the EERA or the ERC 2019!
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