E8: International ICF Conference "ICF@SCHOOL - A common inclusive language"
The final conference "ICF@School - A common language" – the multiplier event E8 within the Erasmus+ project “A common language in school”, took place on April 17, 2021 as a joint event of the University College of Teacher Education Styria and the project consortium www.icf-school.eu and was organized as an international online congress.
The conference started with different key note presentations by:
- Prof. Dr. Manfred Pretis - "The holistic view of children in school: The ICF as a new perspective of understanding in inclusive settings",
- D. Melek Er-Sabuncuoğlu, PhD - "The ICF in the teamwork at school",
- Dr. med. Klemens Fheodoroff - "The ICF as a link between medicine, education, psychology and social work",
- Prof. Dr. Peter Lienhard - "The implementation of the ICF in the school system in Switzerland".
In the following workshops participants had the possibility to learn more about the concrete implementation of the ICF in schools and in the work within interdisciplinary team.
More than 130 participants from over 5 countries, including Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, North Macedonia and Turkey attended the conference and had the possibility to exchange their experiences with the speakers.
The wrap-up is available HERE