Dr. Pretis SINN

is a private SME dealing with research and training in the field of persons with disability, specifically with children. Activities are offered europewide, in terms of ICF-trainings, research and implementation processes.The trainings are mostly offered within the LLL contexts (operative professionals in the field of health, education, social). Dr. Pretis is actively involved in UNICEF activities, mainly in Central and East Europe (CEE), focusing on ICF and tools related wit ICF (e.g. Unicef supported training of family doctors in SKopje, 6/2017), consultancy towards MK and BG disability commissions. (3/16; 10/16).

Dr. Pretis SINN offers quality management training, evaluation and counseling related to the implementation of ICT tools related to services working with children with disability and their family. 

Dr. Pretis SINN is the principal contractor and coordinator of this project "A Common Language in Schools". 


Prof. Manfred Pretis

is an internationally recognized expert on ICF (part of the German ICF-CY translation group) and co-organiser of annual ICF “Anwenderkonferenzen” (conference on ICF-users) in Germany.

The SME reflects in depth experience in the field of European projects: Project coordinator of an LLP project (www.ebiff.org) dealing with online certification (European training passport)  for professionals in the field of Early Childhood Intervention

  1. a) Project coordinator of a LLP project (www.strong-kids.eu) dealing with an electronic assessment of resilience processes for families
  2. b) Project coordinator of a Erasmus+ project (www.early-inclusion,eu) concerning training courses for professionals in the field of early inclusion (kindergarten teacher, youth worker
  3. c) Project partner in diverse LLP www.icf-training.eu, www.letsty-ict.eu etc.) and Health related EU projects.


Prof. Pretis is part of WHO advisory board on the concept of “Nuturing Care”.

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