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  • A Common Language in Schools

    An Erasmus+ project to implement ICF in school

    "A common language in school" provides concrete tools for professionals who work with pupils with developmental difficulties in schools. It introduces ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, WHO, 2001) as common language to descrobe individual learning situation of a child and enables ability-based holistic transdisciplinary assessments and planning processes.

    The project is impemented by 10 partners from 4 European countries (Austria, Germany, Republic of North Macedonia, Turkey) under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Manfred Pretis. It was started on September 1, 2018 and will last until August 31, 2021.


  • O1 Briefing Package ICF in School

    O1 represents a curriculum and adapted training materials for professionals in schools, which enables the use of ICF as a common language for description and assessment for the situation of pupils with developmental difficulties (in association with his/her environment).



  • O2 Let’s use the same language

    O2 represents an interactive database for parents to use ICF in their (parental) context and enables professionals in school to refer to same codes and same observation.
    Methodologically the WHO quite "technocratic language of ICF" is "translated" into an easy reading parent version, following the same logic as for school professionals.


    ⇒ Go To O2 Brochure

    ⇒ Go To O2 Online Tool

  • O3 Let me be part of the team

    "Let me be part of the team " is an evaluation tool for pupils with special needs to assess their own learning situation. This tool is primarily addressed to teachers (as they will use them with the pupils) and as they have to be trained "how to use them".


    ⇒ Go To O3-Online Tool

  • O4 ICF Test Translator (ICF-TT)

    O4 builds on the "ICF practice translator", an online tool that allows the IT-based connection between child-related observations towards ICF-items by an expert system-like self-learning web database. On top of this the newly developed "Test Translator" shall bridge the gap between psychological tests- and ICF, in other words the “translation” of psychological test data into ICF-codes.


    ⇒ Go To O4-Online Tool

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